
March 2024 Newsletter

Photo by Silvia on

Greetings Everyone!

What a fascinating February we have had, many of you have reached out with personal stories that give me compelling information on the effects of these transits. Thank you!

February featured an Aquarian stellium that met up with Pluto at each ingress. February 12-18th were particularly potent, followed by the Full Moon In Virgo February 24th.

Welcome to March and all the Piscean shifts that we bring forward into meteorological Spring (March 1st) The Spring Equinox is March 19th in the Northern Hemisphere…welcoming Aries & Eclipse season.

March 8-9th Mars in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus, the challenge prior to Sundays New Moon is to look & think- before you leap. Mars in Aquarius is very independent minded, impulsive and potentially unreliable when butting heads with Uranus in Taurus. Two different fixed ideas are trying to move forward…It is a great time for spontaneity or breaking out of a routine that has been limiting. Although a quick and temporary transit… stimulates action, challenges and adapting to the weekend plan or program.

Mercury enters Aries March 9th-A more forward Mercury, we now initiate communication. Our thoughts and speech can enjoy the sharper, more focused and direct communications… will make a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius stimulating more intensity or depth with the fiery element of Aries. Truth Sayer comes to mind. Truth that helps transform old mental patterns into new more enlightening views.

April 1st -26th Mercury Retrogrades in Aries. We may need to review or recalculate some of our plans in light of the energetic Cardinal energy mid March. The best route is to have a back up plan or be ready to adapt to any delays.

New Moon March 10th at 20 degrees Pisces. The Sun & Moon make a (sextile) aspect to Uranus in Taurus 19 degrees. Restlessness is part of the New moon energy, awakening and shaking up stagnant energy. Encountering exciting people, creating excitement in your personal space or changing your normal routine to be more flexible with what is being called for. Release emotional energy, on the heels of Mars/Uranus energy-start a fresh New Moon cycle with a new ritual or adventure in nature. The New Moon is bookended by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, passing through some tests/responsibilities and hopefully ending with an inspiring or enlightening outcome.

March 12th-April 4th Venus enters Pisces, her exalted position. Keep in mind, during this timeframe she will have mutual reception with Jupiter in Taurus, meaning Venus and Jupiter welcome each other into realms (houses) of there influence. Jupiter offers growth and expansion to something long lasting and reliable. Venus is ever helpful and compassionately attentive to the needs of these current opportunities. 

March 19th Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere-Sun at 00 Aries trine Moon Leo and sextile Pluto in Aquarius~ (Moon opposite Pluto) A powerful start to a new season- self expressive & passionate energy abound. Use to your advantage to motivate projects or just getting creative juices flowing.

March 22rd Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces- This transit of the planet of Love meeting the planet of work & responsibility can produce feelings of practicality, loyalty  and soberness-not exactly affectionate energy. But.. they will sextile Jupiter in Taurus (Venus reception) this fortunate helpful energy may assist in keeping things balanced in relationship.

March 23 Mars enters Pisces We now have entered the water… need to put on our flippers and flow. Things can take a little slower pace, you will get there, when you get there energy.

Mars in the independently minded Aquarius, asked what are my goals and my instinct guiding me to act on? Since Feb 13th Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius we were off to the races. Now… Mars in Pisces we are more comfortable to tap into options and flexibility with our motivations. Not a time to force issues.

March 25th Eclipses Season 

Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon)in Libra 05 degrees

This Lunation is ruled by Venus in Pisces and will trine Pluto in Aquarius. I get a very abundant and powerful relationship feeling with this eclipse. The Aries Sun exalted, Venus ruler of the Lunar Eclipse is exalted and in mutual reception to Jupiter. Eclipses can be wildcards and bring big beginnings and endings. Comings and goings….It is all part of the magic in change.✨✨

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