Blog, Horoscopes

Mid May 2024 Update

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Greetings Everyone,

The month of May kindly reminds us we can slowly take the gas off the pedal…. and relax a bit.

Mercury in Aries went through its Retrograde cycle in Aries April 1-26th, as it welcomed the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th….a very energetic timeframe. 

Mercury rules everything cerebral- the mind,language,learning,communications, our personal perceptions ect. In the Fire element of Aries that brings out the assertive side, straight talk,quick thinking and a preoccupied mind in general. Mercury entered Aries on March 11th and leaves May 15th for greener pastures with a more deliberate and methodical mental energy.Practical thinking and a slower pace.

Mercury enters Taurus May 15th and joins a stellium of planets in Taurus: Jupiter, Uranus,Venus and the Sun. Friday May 17th –Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius. This can start our weekend off with a bit of intense focus on a certain topic, project or person,(personally or professionally) but this can add to the excitement we have on tap.Conversations can be deep and meaningful as Pluto goes beneath the surface to get to the true essence.

The predominance of Earth signs in the sky now allows us to step back from the intensity of the last couple months.Taurus seeks comfort in routine that does not exhaust us.Ruled by Venus we may look towards relationships and nature as our avenue to slow down and spend quality time.A cup of coffee and a catch up with a friend or a hike in the woods.Pleasant connections is an important theme.

May 18th Jupiter meets the Taurus Sun for a new 12 year reset in the Taurus part of your chart.A new growth period seeds itself here. What opportunity deserves further investigation…in love or money?Taurus is ruled by Venus, who attends to both areas. Although this is a quick transit, its beneficial energy should be taken advantage of.Well being, confidence and optimistic attitudes are the calling card of these bright lights together. Pay attention to where you spend your time and what you learn this weekend, it may be the beginning of something you’d like to expand on. Jupiter & the Sun form a sextile to Neptune in Pisces~ bringing compassion, inclusiveness and imagination into the mix.

Venus & Uranus meet up in Taurus on the same day! This is an exciting combination of unusual connections,impulsive attractions, and out of the blue reunions…..expect the unexpected. 

A good day to free up your time, get out to do something different, you never know what you may find! Maybe a valuable antique or a winning lottery ticket or meeting an interesting love potential, a new friend? The key is…to get out there.

Look to the house where Taurus sits in your chart, to point to clues…….

Wishing everyone a cheerful and interesting weekend ahead! 🌞

I am booking readings into June.

Gift Cards are always available for Birthdays & special occasions.

Reading Links below or you can go to website:

6 Month Ahead Reading

Year Ahead Reading

Birth Chart Reading

Solar Return Reading

Take Care,


March 2024 Newsletter

Photo by Silvia on

Greetings Everyone!

What a fascinating February we have had, many of you have reached out with personal stories that give me compelling information on the effects of these transits. Thank you!

February featured an Aquarian stellium that met up with Pluto at each ingress. February 12-18th were particularly potent, followed by the Full Moon In Virgo February 24th.

Welcome to March and all the Piscean shifts that we bring forward into meteorological Spring (March 1st) The Spring Equinox is March 19th in the Northern Hemisphere…welcoming Aries & Eclipse season.

March 8-9th Mars in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus, the challenge prior to Sundays New Moon is to look & think- before you leap. Mars in Aquarius is very independent minded, impulsive and potentially unreliable when butting heads with Uranus in Taurus. Two different fixed ideas are trying to move forward…It is a great time for spontaneity or breaking out of a routine that has been limiting. Although a quick and temporary transit… stimulates action, challenges and adapting to the weekend plan or program.

Mercury enters Aries March 9th-A more forward Mercury, we now initiate communication. Our thoughts and speech can enjoy the sharper, more focused and direct communications… will make a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius stimulating more intensity or depth with the fiery element of Aries. Truth Sayer comes to mind. Truth that helps transform old mental patterns into new more enlightening views.

April 1st -26th Mercury Retrogrades in Aries. We may need to review or recalculate some of our plans in light of the energetic Cardinal energy mid March. The best route is to have a back up plan or be ready to adapt to any delays.

New Moon March 10th at 20 degrees Pisces. The Sun & Moon make a (sextile) aspect to Uranus in Taurus 19 degrees. Restlessness is part of the New moon energy, awakening and shaking up stagnant energy. Encountering exciting people, creating excitement in your personal space or changing your normal routine to be more flexible with what is being called for. Release emotional energy, on the heels of Mars/Uranus energy-start a fresh New Moon cycle with a new ritual or adventure in nature. The New Moon is bookended by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, passing through some tests/responsibilities and hopefully ending with an inspiring or enlightening outcome.

March 12th-April 4th Venus enters Pisces, her exalted position. Keep in mind, during this timeframe she will have mutual reception with Jupiter in Taurus, meaning Venus and Jupiter welcome each other into realms (houses) of there influence. Jupiter offers growth and expansion to something long lasting and reliable. Venus is ever helpful and compassionately attentive to the needs of these current opportunities. 

March 19th Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere-Sun at 00 Aries trine Moon Leo and sextile Pluto in Aquarius~ (Moon opposite Pluto) A powerful start to a new season- self expressive & passionate energy abound. Use to your advantage to motivate projects or just getting creative juices flowing.

March 22rd Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces- This transit of the planet of Love meeting the planet of work & responsibility can produce feelings of practicality, loyalty  and soberness-not exactly affectionate energy. But.. they will sextile Jupiter in Taurus (Venus reception) this fortunate helpful energy may assist in keeping things balanced in relationship.

March 23 Mars enters Pisces We now have entered the water… need to put on our flippers and flow. Things can take a little slower pace, you will get there, when you get there energy.

Mars in the independently minded Aquarius, asked what are my goals and my instinct guiding me to act on? Since Feb 13th Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius we were off to the races. Now… Mars in Pisces we are more comfortable to tap into options and flexibility with our motivations. Not a time to force issues.

March 25th Eclipses Season 

Lunar Eclipse(Full Moon)in Libra 05 degrees

This Lunation is ruled by Venus in Pisces and will trine Pluto in Aquarius. I get a very abundant and powerful relationship feeling with this eclipse. The Aries Sun exalted, Venus ruler of the Lunar Eclipse is exalted and in mutual reception to Jupiter. Eclipses can be wildcards and bring big beginnings and endings. Comings and goings….It is all part of the magic in change.✨✨


New Lunar year of Dragon & New Moon in Aquarius

Photo by Chris F on

Today is the New Moon in Aquarius, here on the East Coast of Massachusetts, we finally are seeing some sunshine and blue skies…..fresh energy. Perfect timing.

February 9th The Aquarius New Moon is exact around 5:57PM in square aspect to Uranus in Taurus….Square energy has a feeling of friction,conflict or stress encouraging us to act or do something to alleviate the discomfort.Squares help us get unstuck and move ahead. New Moons are symbolic of the dark quiet Moon, completing the past lunation cycle and starting to look ahead by planting new ideas. Maybe you have started something new today, that you weren’t sure of how it would turn out? Uranus can awaken us to a different level, shake us out of stagnancy and inspire new paths. The Square aspect from Uranus to this Aquarian New Moon, gives an added unexpected or unusual flip to the day.Plans or ideas can change on a dime, in hindsight, the change can turn out to be a good thing! .

Future goals are baked into the Aquarian New Moon, which is also the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon!! Dragons are a mythical beast, this year be open to opportunity and magic.I’m sure we have some Dragon Year people tuning in,this is a big reset for you! 

Dragon Medicine: Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Chinese Dragon Festival dragon by Walter Baxter is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

February 13thMars enters Aquarius and conjoins Pluto at 00 Aquarius,these two planets can bring a strong action and intensity to whatever you are doing.Aquarius has an independent energy that may clash a bit with other agendas, be mindful on this day that everyone is feeling the rush.Same day~Neptune in Pisces sextile Venus in Capricorn,can support the urge to indulge in escapism. To sidestep the Mars/Pluto dynamic, by tuning into music, movies,nature, romance ect. Finding peace in a storm kind of feeling.

February 16th Venus enters Aquarius and conjoins Pluto at 00 Aquarius. When Pluto & Venus meet up the intensity rises and relationships can feel this, for better or worse.It can highlight the ebb & flow of finances, something very helpful entering or a debt coming to collect. Venus/Pluto keywords obsession, passion, depth of a relationship, recycling of possessions, transforming love,renewal,powerful attractions, hyper focus on creative projects, intense social interaction, secret love, jealousy. 

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius and Uranus is the modern ruler. Saturn=Restrictions Uranus=Freedom. Both hang in the balance.

Same day-Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus~Our mind is open to new ideas and solutions, we may get excited by unexpected change that helps us move forward mentally with an issue.

February 16,17,18th Moon in Gemini Trines the very busy Aquarian House-Pluto,Venus,Mars,Mercury and the Aquarian Sun are in compatible communication with a very curious and super busy moon.Good day for people with like minds to get together. Social activities can be quite lively and unique. An abundance of communications and discussions pointed at future plans and new ideas flourish.The Gemini Moon will go “out of bounds” for the weekend, sending the moon’s energy to high activity levels, sometimes too far out.. Be cautious while travelling or going about busy weekend errands.

Friday the 16th Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. Another reason to be flexible, go with the flow and slow the pace.Unexpected changes can pop up, or impulsiveness may hit.Pump the brakes! A good day for creative projects ,as your thoughts can be full of quick solutions or ingenious ideas.

Photo by Brett Sayles on

Looking forward to the ever-interesting Chinese Year of the Dragon!!!!!
I am booking into March, if you’d like to get on the calendar for Year ahead, 6 Month ahead, Solar Returns or Birth Chart Readings please click link below:

Take care,


“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  Alan Watts


First Week of April 2023

Slow Down, Nurture & Examine

Mercury in Pisces early March started in low gear, we had options and possibilities to think about. By March 19th we shifted into high gear, we had many new energy shifts and a fiery Mercury rose to the challenge.

Monday April 3rd Mercury enters Taurus, a time to slow it down and nurture ideas. Understanding your plans fully. A methodical mindset begins to arise, as Pluto in Aquarius is square Mercury in the first week of April. We can feel an intense curiosity to dig deeper into communications or strategies.

Thursday April 6th (early morning EST)
Full Moon at 16 Libra opposing a Fiery Aries Sun, Chiron and Jupiter in Aries-lots of air & fire elements activated on this full moon. The highlight is on relationships, agreements, bonds, healing, courage and understanding. Libra Moon ruled by strengthen Venus in Taurus, can be a peacekeeper and tolerate any changes in a respectful way.

April 6th Mercury Taurus will conjunct North Node Taurus, this is the same area Venus in Taurus and North Node met, on the Equinox, March 20th-Connections to a destiny point, solidify and secure any communications about a process to move forward.

*Mercury in Taurus Retrogrades this month on April 21st.

April 7th
Friday The Moon slips into intuitive Scorpio, squares Pluto in Aquarius an early start. Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, a good day to work solo or solve issues with common sense. Moon trine Mars in Cancer time to clean up the house, recycle or unclog the drains:)

April 8th Saturday Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer- extra energy for solving a dilemma on the home front or securing a project that may have needed more time to strategize. A great day for cooking and organizing the home.

April 9th Jupiter in Aries applying by 2 degrees to the Aries Sun, we feel confident and passionate about a new beginning. The Moon enters Sagittarius, Sunday morning (Easter) and is ready for new experiences and exploring the Jupiter/Sun energy. Pluto in Aquarius applying to connect with Venus in Gemini on April 11th, draws us towards meaningful, emotional expressions. Lots of fascinating information can be unearthed and discussed during this time.



Follow me on Instagram Laurataftastrology


March Astrology 2023

Change in flow

March 7th Saturn ingress into Pisces. Saturn is entering the ocean as our teacher, we learn lessons through the emotional tests presented through the archetype of Pisces. Pisces merges with other’s in a compassionate, fluid way, feeling what the energy is, and leaving the boundaries wide open. Saturn in Pisces gives us more responsibility for the next 2 1/2 years to be flexible when creating something we believe in, something we have deep connection to. Saturn is less rigid as we work towards a Piscean goal. We will learn as we proceed and change with the flow. Can we actually make our dreams a reality, let it flow a natural course? Pisces doesn’t like to rush into things, it takes a long look Saturn in Pisces shares the same house with Neptune now, Neptune in Pisces since 2011 has slowly heightened our collective dreams and spiritualism.

March 20th Celebrate the Spring Equinox & International Astrology Day ! At 00 Degrees Aries marks the beginning of the Astrological year, a very potent Aries point pushing us towards progress. Aries signifies our will, our desire to initiate and propel something forward. The Aries Sun is ruled by Mars at the last degrees of Gemini and out of bounds, during the first day of Spring. The urge to communicate, strategize, and create opportunity that has felt on hold since October 30, 2022 (Mars Retrograde Gemini) will feel energized and renewed.

Venus conjoins the North Node of the Moon in Taurus on March 20, an alignment that brings the spotlight on the role of our relationships in our journey of personal and spiritual evolution. On this Spring Equinox we may experience karmic encounters and changes in existing connections. The Venus-North Node conjunction represents an invitation to renew our commitment to living with our true values. Venus is strong in her home sign & North Node in Taurus ruled by Venus signify a positive turn of connection to relationships and finances.

March 21st New Moon in Aries 00– A powerful new start to Aries Season. The Sun & Moon in Aries joining on a powerful Aries point, signaling a new identification towards the external world or the public arena. The potential of growth is huge, by stepping into this new season with courage. The New Moon is ruled by Mars in Gemini, still holding the presence of information and communication as the key to growing your intentions. Consider creating a vision board this week and doing ritual for this New Moon.

March 23rd Pluto ingress into Aquarius-The planet Pluto moves extremely slowly through the sky, it has been 248 years since it’s last transit through Aquarius. A entirely different time, unrecognizable to where we operate now…Aquarius rules technology and inventions by genius minds of the day.

We now will get a small taste of Pluto in Aquarius when it enters on March 23rd. It ebbs and flows through retrogrades April 30th to June 11th in Aquarius then back into Capricorn to finish its business there. A herald of the new age to come, as Pluto stays in Aquarius for the next 20 years. Aquarius is discovery, invention, innovation, and all the changes they can release into the world. Aquarius stands for individuation, Pluto brings a deep capacity to help reinvent ourselves, we need to release of the old to improve our future. Aquarius stands up for humanity and large groups that join for a cause, to the betterment of all. We can experience enlightened insights that will need us to change in order to embrace the radical changes that progress brings. We can experience the escape from long drawn out traditions that don’t serve anymore, which can liberate us from habits. A new realm can open up through intellectual freedom, Aquarius is an air element built on ideas, thoughts and creative problem solving. It is an exciting transit that is eager to deeply challenge the truth. As only Pluto can.

March 25th Mars ingress into Cancer

Mars in Gemini has ruled the Aries & Scorpio planets and the North & South Nodes for the past 8 months, since August 20, 2022. A transit filled with fast paced events, changing the rules, changing the playing field and creating a busy busy timeframe. Communication, plans and strategies were up for changes as a constant. Mars in Gemini retrograded in October 2022 until January 12th then moved direct until it finally leaves Gemini March 25th! Hallelujah!!

If you know where Gemini lies in your chart you could confirm all the roller coaster rides we have been on, willingly or not since August. It has been quite the ride. Mars entering Cancer wants off the amusement park energy, and settle into the caring mode to help recuperate during the spring season. Saturn in Pisces will be in agreeance, to let things emotionally have some space to breath. In the beginning of April, Mars in Cancer trines the North node in Taurus and sextiles South node in Scorpio, this timeframe may alleviate some of the intensity , by uninvolving ourselves into a more private zone to take care of business.

Take Care,


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Full Moon in Leo 2-5-2023

Full Moon 🌕 Leo

Today the helpful, waxing gibbous Cancer Moon, in her dignity & out of bounds, builds towards a Full Moon ~ Cancer’s emotional intelligence is sensitive, compassionate and tuned inwards. Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus awakening our minds to what feels stuck and needs a different approach.Breakthroughs and insights can be enlightening if we are able to see things differently.

The Aquarius Sun is up for the challenge of change, try to be more flexible and open to new ideas as this feels like forward movement.Much needed change, since Mar’s long Retrograde through Gemini and Mercury Retrograde through Capricorn.

Just before the Leo Full Moon on Sunday, Venus in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini ~ these two mutable signs are very interested by each other. Venus in Pisces is in her exaltation, and is known as the kindest Venus. The unconditional love energy is very tolerant of the cerebral flexibility that Mars in Gemini spins. Mars square Venus creates tension ~ together this can be exciting or mildly irritating depending on how adaptable you are.

The Full Moon 16 Leo/Aquarius Sun 16 forms a T-square to Uranus at 15 Taurus. Be conscious of impulsiveness or quick decisions. Uranus’s electric energies are turned up during this Full Moon, which in general a Leo Moon wants to have fun, let it’s hair down, and be honest about it’s feelings.

A good Moon to spend time with close friends and family to enjoy what you love. Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries has some healing words that could be unexpectedly shared too.

Thank you ~ Laura

⭐️⭐️⭐️Many of you have reached out recently with a question around the feeling of being stuck. We are about to turn a corner, have faith we are all ready for change! Readings always available at


Mercury Stations Direct in Capricorn

January 16 2023

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus early morning, go easy with caffeine today! Scorpio Moon can be focused on a feeling ~ Uranus in Taurus shakes things free, if you go with the flow. Mars in Gemini direct, still at 08 degrees needs time to pick up speed. Be patient, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) is still retrograde in Capricorn at 08 degrees forming an aversion towards each other. Not quite understanding what the other needs, they don’t see each other clearly-this breaks up around January 26th -Step by step!

January 18th Mercury stations direct, as Sun & Pluto in Capricorn conjoin, this feels like an empowering day of knowing change is coming or a clarity of decision.

January 20 Sun enters Aquarius applying to Jupiter in Aries ~ super hopeful and enlightening energy, the fresh air needed. January 21st A New Moon at the very start of Aquarius Season sets the tone of the lunar cycle ahead. Ideas, concepts, connections and communications are energized. Independent thinking, innovative, creative actions can get the ball rolling. Mars in Gemini direct enjoys this encouraging and interesting Aquarius New Moon.

January 22-23rd Venus in Aquarius catches Saturn in Aquarius – this energy works best with independent work, mental preparation, personal tasks, getting things organized. The Aquarius Moon & Gemini Mars this day will be working in unison, doubling down on paperwork or communications.

Uranus in Taurus stations direct~ time to integrate changes for more simplicity , release complexity on 23rd sending all the planets forward until April 22,2023.

January 24-25th Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter is excited and courageous initiating plans moving forward. The Sun/Jupiter sextile is stimulating our personal growth. It’s time.

January 26th Venus enters Pisces in her exalted place, her most compassionate & inspired place. Take the time to enjoy relationships, as Evening Star Venus takes her vacation in Pisces until February 20th.

Year Ahead Readings

6 month Ahead readings

Availability for February 2023 now booking 🌞


Pisces Moon & A New Year!

Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces ♓️

Dec 28, 2023

Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces, increasing its light, desiring to manifest something from the New Moon on December 23rd. The cycle grows towards the Full Moon in Cancer January 6th Today’s Pisces Moon is applying to Neptune Pisces – brings a dreamy quality, imaginative, elusive and tuned into nature. Use this natural telepathic energy to be creative or tap into music. Mercury in Capricorn ~ stations and turns Retrograde early Thursday morning. Venus in Capricorn conjoins Mercury Rx hours later to bring grounded connection, helpful energy and begins to revisit communication in a meaningful way. January 1st 2023 just after the New Year Ball is dropped, Venus conioins Pluto in Capricorn-the heart of the matter is honesty, true feelings with loved ones.Very transformative vibes.

January 1st-Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus early evening, may surprise us, stay true to your feelings yet try to be open & spontaneous. Venus in Capricorn rules the Moon/Uranus conjunction~ love & finances highlighted.

The Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries shining a bright light on forgiveness, anything living rent free in your head can be evicted!! A New Year to move forward, Jupiter in Aries supports this, with opportunity to progress. Jupiter presently ruled by Mars Rx Gemini finally stations direct January 12th (Retrograde since October 30th)

Mercury in Capricorn follows on January 18th as it stations direct.

Uranus in Taurus direct on January 23rd- which interestingly signals a sky full of direct planets, no retrogrades until April 21,2023!

Wishing you a Healthy New Year

Book a reading for the New Year, for a limited time ( until January 1st) use FunAstrology20 code and get 20% off. 💜



New Moon in Capricorn ✨

December 23,2022

New Moon 01’32” degrees of Capricorn

Sun & Moon Square Jupiter 00’15″Aries. This Cardinal energy of Earth & Fire together in a activated square~ can ignite what has been waiting for the Moon & Sun to confirm. Capricorn wants to create a foundation or make plans and Jupiter just says-Yes, enthusiastically. The climb begins, the story moves forward, the plans are made, the mission is on. Venus in Capricorn is still trine Uranus in Taurus electrifying the connectivity and the unexpected elements in relationships or finances. Especially on December 29th Venus & Mercury both at 24 degrees Capricorn. Venus has now joined the night sky as a visible Evening star.

Mercury stationing to go Retrograde the next day, will revisit themes from mid December.

Also Mercury Retrograde is closely aspecting Truth sayer Pluto & Elusive Neptune. This feels like a intuitive clue, or insight to information that may come to light on January 6th ~The First Full Moon 2023 🌕

Evening Love Song

“Ornamental clouds

compose an evening love song;

a road leaves evasively.

The new moon begins, a new chapter of our nights, of those frail nights

we stretch out and which mingle with these black horizontals.”

-Rainer Maria Rilke

New Moon rituals & intentions will have extra juice in them with Jupiter in Aries involvement!

Sending inspiration ✨

Peace & Health,


What is in store for you this year? Check out my services for Readings in 2023 ✨


December 20,2022

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter ingresses into Aries today, leaving his home sign of Pisces for the next 11 years….It takes Jupiter 12 years to move through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Pisces represents our inclusive and compassionate energy, transiting Jupiter there, we experienced more emotional generosity and inspiration. In early 2022, we may have really been inspired to take a leap of faith during the Jupiter.Neptune conjunction in April, are you able to continue that inspired quest? Are you ready to step it up a notch or completely regroup and start something fresh? Jupiter is known as the “Great Benefic” generous in growth,opportunity, and exploration of the area it transits in your chart. Learning and traveling can be part of the new journey we are embarking on.

Today Jupiter’s entrance into Aries continues the head strong intuitive qualities to come forward and pioneer your path. May through October, Jupiter had its first run through Aries, now through May 16th~ it is direct motion with a experimental, forward thinking plan.

December 21st Happy Winter Solstice! “May the long night make the light sweeter” Capricorn season begins with a square to Jupiter in Aries. Capricorn’s discipline & leadership meet the invitation of something exciting or invigorating. This involves risk, stepping outside the normal range, which may come naturally as the Moon, Venus, Mercury & Mars all out of bounds. We must be responsible for our own growth!

Grounded Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, may bring unforeseen and exciting butterflies of a love connection or lucky financial flurries. December 23rd Heralds a Capricorn New Moon, on the edge of Holiday season. An indication of serious opportunities that we may need to initiate or organize with a separating square to Jupiter in Aries. Set your intentions for 2023 Jupiter in Aries is ready.

December 24th Xmas Eve-Capricorn moon conjunction Pluto in Capricorn- Strong emotions may be present, think of the words: is it kind, is it true, is it necessary. Let peace prevail.

December 25th- Aquarius Moon will trine Mars R× Gemini ~ lots of social media therapy. Aquarius Moon square the Nodes ( and Uranus) ~ today forget the past, be spontaneous and enjoy the moment.

Wishing you a Peaceful & Healthy holiday season!


Booking Readings for 2023

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